The background, a photo of a lake, was blurred to
create the illusion of distance, and to keep the
focus on the bottle. The highlight bottle was used
twice as a displacement map on the
background so that the rocks in the background would
appear to be distorted through the curved glass.
Rectifying banding
Because the lake image was originally indexed, the sky
looked banded and ugly. This was rectified by feather
selecting the sky, and replacing it with a linear gradient.
A few clouds and a sun reflex was also added.
The water reflection was made by
flipping the image of the merged bottle to a copy of
the lower part of the lake, blurring it, adding some
ripples with Distort/Ripple and
lowering the opacity level. The waterline (where
bottle meets water) was a little trickier and had to
be painted by hand in a couple of Overlay
layers, and some water glitter was created with the
sparkle filter.
A white haze was added to the foreground, and of
course, a couple of Larry Ewing's adorable Linux penguins.